Introduction | Contacts | Purpose | Site Description | Measurements | DEM | Pictures
Site Description
The Nimmo High Plains flux station was located in high elevation (1340m), sub-alpine grassland in southern NSW (GPS coordinates: -36.2159, 148.5525)
The site was a naturally occurring open grass/herb-field classified as sod tussock grassland. The dominant species was comprised of various Poa spp. Surrounding the open grasslands were ridge top distributions of Eucalyptus pauciflora spp. niphophila/Eucalyptus pauciflora spp. pauciflora. This site was seasonally grazed and also hosted additional seasonal campaigns looking at soil derived fluxes of greenhouse gases and additional measures of evapotranspiration (i.e. scintillometer measurements)
The instrument tripod was 3m tall with a supplemental 4m guyed mast for radiation sensors. Fluxes of carbon dioxide, water vapour and heat were quantified with open-path eddy covariance instrumentation.
Ancillary measurements included temperature, air humidity, wind speed and direction, precipitation, incoming and outgoing shortwave radiation, incoming and outgoing long wave radiation, incoming total and diffuse PAR and reflected PAR.
Soil water content and temperature were measured at six soil depths. Surface soil heat fluxes were also measured.