Introduction | Contacts | Purpose | Site Description | Measurements | DEM | Pictures
A flux tower was located over a maize/wheat rotation on ~ 60 ha of private farming land in the Coleambally Irrigation Area (CIA) in south eastern New South Wales. Established in October 2010, three weeks after the summer maize crop was sown, this site was operational until the winter wheat was harvested in December 2011.
The flux tower was managed by research staff and students within the School of Environmental Sciences at Charles Sturt University
with support from Coleambally Irrigation Co-operative Limited
Financial support for the CIA flux towers was provided via the Coleambally Water Smart Australia project, commissioned by the National Water Commission of Australia.
Camilla Vote
Graham Centre for Agricultural Innovation
Charles Sturt University
Locked Bag 588
Boorooma St., Wagga Wagga, NSW