Monitoring Sites - Coleambally Irrigation Area (maize and wheat rotation)

Introduction | Contacts | Purpose | Site Description | Measurements | DEM | Pictures


Measurements made at the CIA maize and wheat rotation flux station.

Instrument Type Make Model Situation
Maize* Wheat
Open path CO2, H2O Li-COR LI-7500 3.1m 5.1m 3.6m
Sonic anemometer Campbell Scientific CSAT3 3.1m 5.1m 3.6m
Radiation Kipp and Zonen CNR1 2.0m 4.0m 5.0m
Rh+T Vaisala HMP45C 3.1m 5.1m 3.6m
Wind speed & direction RM young 3001 5.1m 7.1m 2.0m
Precipitation Hydrological Services TB3 1.0m 4.4m 1.9m
Ground Heat Flux Hukseflux HFP01sc -0.08m
Soil Temperature Campbell Scientific 114 TCAV-L -0.02m to -0.06m (averaging)
Logger Temperature Campbell Scientific CR3000

* The instruments were extended to accommodate the increase in plant height over the growing season.

Modified: 7/10/21