Monitoring Sites - Wallaby Creek

Introduction | Contacts | Purpose | Site Description | Measurements | DEM | Pictures


The research aim of the Wallaby Creek flux station is to understand the complex coupling of carbon, water and energy cycles within Australia's old growth temperate forests over various scales in order to assess the impact of future environmental change.

• To measure exchanges of carbon dioxide, water vapour and energy between an old growth, tall forest and the atmosphere using micrometeorological techniques

• To quantify the carbon sink/source of a temperate, old growth Mountain Ash forest and identify the contribution of such forests to the continents' National Carbon Inventory

• To provide a database of microclimate and ecological parameters for use in carbon and water modelling projects

• To investigate how carbon cycles change over successional time scales (decadal to centennial)

• To assess the role of climate variability on water fluxes and the impact on water supplies in forested catchments

• To provide a comprehensive understanding of the interplay between natural systems and human activities with regard to ecosystem services the forests provide.

• To measure fluxes of regrowth after fires.

Modified: 7/10/21