Monitoring Sites - Daly River Pasture

Introduction | Contacts | Purpose | Site Description | Measurements | DEM | Pictures


The purpose of the Daly River Pasture Flux station was to:

  • Provide information as part of a larger network of flux towers established along the North Australian Tropical Transect (NATT) gradient, which extends ~1000km south from Darwin 12.5°S. The towers provide flux data across the savanna’s heterogeneous ‘top end’ ecosystems including open forest savanna, open savanna woodland and seasonally inundated floodplains.

  • Examine spatial patterns and processes of land-surface-atmosphere exchanges (radiation, heat, moisture, CO2 and other trace gasses) across scales from leaf to landscape scales within Australian savannas.

  • Determine the climate and ecosystem characteristics (physical structure, species composition, physiological function) that drive spatial and temporal variations of carbon, water and energy fluxes from north Australian savanna.

  • Determine if fluxes of carbon, water vapour and heat over the various ecosystems as derived from the various measurement techniques can be combined to form a comprehensive and consistent estimate of the regional fluxes and budgets across the landscape.

  • Quantify fluxes over land use which includes grazing, introduced pastures and low stock density.

  • Provide longer term measurements for future projects.

Modified: 7/10/21