Introduction | Contacts | Purpose | Site Description | Measurements | DEM | Pictures
Site Description
The flux tower monitoring system is located within the Yanco region of New South Wales, Australia (GPS coordinates: -34.9893, 146.2907). The Yanco area of the flux tower site is located in the western plains of the Murrumbidgee Catchment and is within a wider research area (60 x 60 km) that supports a network of OzNet stations, which have been in operation since late 2001 onwards.
This is a topographically flat area, primarily comprised of the following soil types: sandy loams, scattered clays, red brown earths, transitional red brown earth, sands over clay and deep sands. Stream valleys and layered soil and sedimentary materials are found across the landscape.
The tower on site extends to 20m, however flux measurements are recorded from slightly lower than this (see measurements table for more details).
Mean annual precipitation from a nearby Bureau of Meteorology site measured 465 mm.
Maximum temperatures ranged from 37.4°C (in January) to 16.6°C (in July), while minimum temperatures ranged from 29.0°C (in January) to 11.8°C (in July). Maximum temperatures varied on a seasonal basis by approximately 20.8°C and minimum temperatures by 17.2°C.