Monitoring Sites - Kopuatai

Introduction | Contacts | Purpose | Site Description | Measurements | DEM | Pictures


Instrument Type Make Model Situation
Open path CO2, H2O LI-COR LI-7500 4.25m
Open path CH4 LI-COR LI-7700 4.25m
Sonic anemometer Campbell Scientific CSAT-3 4.25m
Net Radiation Huskeflux NR01 1.9m
Shortwave radiation – global, reflected Huskeflux NR01 1.9m
Longwave radiation – downwelling, canopy emission Huskeflux NR01 1.9m
Photosynthetically active radiation - total, diffuse Delta T BF5 1.2m
Reflected PAR LI-COR LI-190 1.9m
Air temperature and relative humidity Vaisalla HMP155 4.2m
Tipping bucket raingauge Hydrological services TB5 0.8m
Soil heat flux (2 replicates) REBS HF3 Ground, –0.08m
Soil temperature Campbell Scientific TCAV Ground, 0 to –0.08m
Soil temperature Lab made T107-type Ground, –0.05, –0.10, –0.15
Canopy Temperature Lab made averaging thermocouples Type-E 0.1 to 0.4m
Leaf Wetness Lab made   0.3, 0.4, 0.5m
Water table depth relative to surface Hydrological Services WL1000W Dipwell, –1.5m


Modified: 7/10/21