Monitoring Sites - French Island

Introduction | Contacts | Purpose | Site Description | Measurements | DEM | Pictures


Instruments installed on the Eddy Covariance Station at French Island.

Instrument Type Make Model Situation
Open path CO2, H2O
Atmospheric pressure
LI-COR LI-7500 2.3m
CO2, concentration Vaisala GMM220 2.4m
Open path CH4 Li-COR Li-7700 2.3m
Sonic anemometer Campbell Scientific CSAT3 2.3m
Net Radiometer Kipp and Zonen CNR4 2.4m
Pyranometer Kipp and Zonen 2.3m
Rh+T Vaisala HMP45 2.4m
Soil Temperature Campbell Scientific TCAV Ground, -2cm, -8cm
Soil Heat Flux Huxeflux HFP01 Ground, -8cm

Solinst Levelogger co-ordinates. Elevation measurements recorded using a RTK-GPS.

Description Latitude Longitude Elevation (m)
EC Tower logger -38.38790747 145.2782517 1.133
Levelogger 1 -38.38781442 145.2784506 1.735
Levelogger 2 -38.38789231 145.2789342 1.234
Levelogger 3 -38.38778717 145.2772614 1.027
Levelogger 4 -38.38874511 145.2773156 0.881
Modified: 7/10/21