Introduction | Contacts | Purpose | Site Description | Measurements | DEM | Pictures
The primary purpose of the Fogg Dam flux station was to:
Provide information as part of a larger network of flux towers established along the North Australian Tropical Transect (NATT) gradient, which extends ~1000km south from Darwin 12.5° S. The towers provide flux data across the savanna's heterogeneous 'top end' ecosystems including open forest savanna, open savanna woodland and seasonally inundated floodplains.
Examine spatial patterns and processes of land-surface-atmosphere exchanges (radiation, heat, moisture, CO2 and other trace gasses) across scales from leaf to landscape scales within Australian savannas.
Determine the climate and ecosystem characteristics (physical structure, species composition, physiological function) that drive spatial and temporal variations of carbon, water and energy fluxes from north Australian savanna.
Determine if fluxes of carbon, water vapour and heat over the various ecosystems as derived from the various measurement techniques can be combined to form a comprehensive and consistent estimate of the regional fluxes and budgets across the landscape.